Cash In Or Trade Up Event - March 9 - March 18

Author Long's Staff
Date Feb 23, 2023

We want to buy your unwanted gold, jewelry, fine watches and diamonds for immediate payment!

Bring in your used diamonds, watches, gold and antique jewelry for an offer! Visit Long's Jewelers at any of the below dates and locations to get the most for your diamonds, watches, and worn, broken or unwanted jewelry!* Plus, enjoy 25% more in-store credit over our cash offer. All transactions are private and confidential. Appointments encouraged.
Thursday, March 9
Friday, March 10

Saturday, March 11
Friday, March 17

Saturday, March 18

Call your preferred store location for more information and to make an appointment, or request an appointment online. All payments will be made by check or in-store credit. Trust & Estate inquiries welcome.

*Watch premiums may vary.
